"You're either building your dreams or living someone else's"
You're never too young or too old to craft & live your dreams
That's why at DreamCraft we work together with kids through to the elderly and everyone in between.
When we know what we want, what that looks like specifically to us, we experience greater fulfilment in life while living our dreams.
When we know what those around us want, what that looks like specifically to them, we experience greater connections, relationships and ability to work together to create WIN:WIN.



What do you WANT... really, really want?
And even more importantly, WHY?
Without the noise, the "shoulds", the voices from the outside world
Simple questions yet... hard to answer.
That's why we've crafted unique experiences, to help you articulate exactly what it is that you want and take action so you can live and build your dreams.
We have a mix of "Done for You", "Done With You" and "Do It Yourself" programs available, including online and in-person.

For more information or details register your interest here
9 - 12%
would you put your money on those odds?
Hold onto your seat and your jaw because...
These are the odds of people actually achieving what they want and maintaining it.
After working in health for 10+ years and consistently hearing "I know what I need to do, I'm just not doing it" we got curious and set out on a mission to better understand:
what drives people to take action?
why do some people achieve what they want and others not?
Our findings have led us to -
Make It Visual!
Make It Meaningful!
Does it drive action?

Your DreamStylist & Creative Facilitator
Chani Hislop
"Tell me what you want, what you really, really want"... (yes, I just quoted SpiceGirls lyrics 🙈 #nojudgement) and Make It Visual, Make It Meaningful! Hey, I'm Chani (grab your beret, croissant and embrace your inner French because oui, oui, it's pronounced "Shonee"), Co-Founder & DreamStylist of DreamCraft. Helping people craft their goals and dreams visually to drive action (no wishful thinking here). I've always loved helping people achieve their goals, whether it's in team sports; working with clients as a Dietitian or Creative Designer; providing leadership and mentoring to students and early career health professionals; as well as being involved in state-wide projects, supporting cancer survivors to enhance their quality of life. Throughout my 10 year career in health, I started to get curious... with all the information & knowledge available, "why are some people able to achieve what they want, while others really struggle to change?" Did you know only 9 - 12% of people actually achieve their New Year's resolutions, no matter how SMART, SMARTER, SMARTIES or OKR their goals are? Not the greatest of odds 😳 So I set off on a mission to understand more about human behaviour & mindset. Not only finding the answers, I learnt more about what makes me tick & my purpose... I've been coined a bit of a genius at extracting what's in people's heads and being able to turn it into something visual, that represents who they are, what they stand for, and the impact they want to have. Now I have the pleasure of bringing together my experience, skills, knowledge and love for creativity, connection & teaching to help individuals, schools and businesses define "what they want, really, really want" and most importantly Making It Visual & Meaningful so they can actually achieve it. > POP QUIZ: What's more memorable, easier to recall and impactful... A) your favourite paragraph, from your favourite book (no cheating) or B) the scene from your favourite movie? That's the DreamCraft secret 🤫 When you know what you want, when you know what those around you want you can create a WIN:WIN * BUSINESS: Greater talent attraction, retention and team heading in the same direction * SCHOOLS: Kids engaged in learning & genius fostered * FAMILY & FRIENDS: Quality connection, conversations & building dreams together Because in life... "You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow; This opportunity comes once in a lifetime" (sneaky Eminem reference... I do have a love for music and impromptu karaoke has been known to happen at our events 🙃)
