Families & Schools
"Each and everyone of us has our own unique place in this world, that no-one else can fill but you!
In a world where kids are surrounded by the influence of social media and at an age that’s shaping who they are, how they think & feel about themselves, DreamCraft works to help kids, together with their family, peers and teachers to understand:

Who am I?
What's important to me?
What makes me happy?
What do I want?
What are my goals and dreams?
What are my unique gifts and talents?
What problems in the world would I love to solve?
AND... What does this look like specifically to every child
When we do:
For Kids -
Greater resilience, certainty and confidence within themselves
Stronger connections with friends, family and peers
"Fit In" by being themselves
Carve their own path and excel in what they're great at
For Parents & Teachers -
Open up conversations (including the difficult one's)
Support & challenge kids to express their genius and fulfill their potential
Actively engage with school across all subjects
Create WIN:WIN to help one another live and build your dreams
DreamCraft have created a fun, engaging and interactive workshop designed specifically for parents & kids 8 - 14 years to -
Spend quality time together either one on one or as a whole family
Better understand what drives each other, special interests and more
Have meaningful conversations in a fun and creative way that continue beyond the workshop
Nurture and foster each other's goals, dreams & vision
"Wholesome and purposeful mum & daughter time, working on goals rather than doing superficial things"

11 & 12 years old

2020 & 2022

"Thank you so very much Chani for an amazing time. We thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon & your expertise got us all in creative flow. We absolutely can’t wait for the next event"
“A teacher plants the seeds of knowledge, sprinkles them with love, and patiently nurtures their growth to produce tomorrow’s dreams.”
Teaching can be one of the most rewarding careers. Helping shape the future and inspire young minds to thrive.
It can also be one of the more challenging jobs too. Supporting a classroom of many talents, abilities as well as kids with more complex needs, (amongst other pressures).
That's why DreamCraft works together with schools and teachers, to help make your life a little easier.
We're available to run workshops and presentations to support teachers and students around:
Engaging in school (including those who may be struggling or disengaged)
Unlocking individual genius
Accelerating learning and focus
Carving their own path including exploration of career direction
Building healthy connections and relationships with themselves and their peers
If you'd like further information, contact us


Check out these two Superstars!
One of the beautiful things to see was, at the start, they were strangers, by the end of the workshop, they were sharing magazines they thought one another would love.
Both had similar interests & aspirations, yet expressed these in their own unique ways through their vision board.